I got a message from a University professor over the Christmas break and didn’t mind!

Does it hurt to read an email?  I came across a posting from one of my classmates on a social media site: 

No more than 5 minutes after reading this post my cellphone let me know I had just received a new email.  It was from my PE teacher.  What a coincidence.  This wasn’t the same teacher my classmate was referring to in her post however, it was a different one.

What was so important that couldn’t wait until next semester resumed?  It was an email wishing us a good break, but also passing on useful writing workshops that the University Library was hosting in the new year but needed to be registered for in advance.  As I had been inspired by my Language and Literacy Professor and a workshop presenter from the 2011 Uvic EDSA conference, to develop my writing further I decided to at the least, read what was being offered.  I’m glad I did now.  I choose two workshops to attend.  The first: “Introduction to Academic Writing” and the second “Pre-Writing Strategies”, both offered in the library and for free.  Seeing as it was my PE Prof. who sent the information and recommended we attend, he’ll surely be fine when I email him back “during Christmas break” to tell him that I will not be able to attend his class on January 19th as the first workshop runs during this time.

[side note: I have just started using Google Calendar and am loving it.  I mention this now only because while I was typing the above I actually stopped and entered the workshops dates it into my Google Calendar, which also updated my cellphone calendar. NEAT!]

Technically last day of first term is December 19th.  Today is the 17th.  So to be fair, these messages were sent within the term.  I don’t usually consider a term finished until I have received  my grades.

Since receiving the email from  my PE Prof about writing workshops I have received an email from my Music Prof..  Apparently she was unaware of the grading policies prior to starting the course and judging by the tone of her email well over 48% of the class had been assigned a grade within the A range; a supposed violation of the University’s Grading Policy.  The grades that were submitted were rejected for review and she is now in the process of re-assessing our grades.  I really don’t understand.  I wanted to read this policy myself but for some reason cannot find it detailed out on the University website.  I may also be missing it.  I think I’ll let this issue fly for now until I see my grades.  I should restate that comment as I know how I did, I just want to make sure my Prof”s think the same!

So back to what really made me stop here and blog.  Two more days before we can officially say the term is over, so If you got them (to our Prof’s: and by “them” I mean EMAILS) send them quick, time is ticking.

*Psssst: if you still have an email after the 19th you’d think I’d like, I’ll still read it! don’t tell!

I think that raps things up for this blog post.

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